Let us ask From God things That are to Benefit God
1 Kings 3:9 (NIV) So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to govern this great people of yours?” The Bible says, 'the Lord appeared to Solomon during the night in a dream, and said he must ask for whatever he wanted God to give him'. Solomon here was only a child, he says it himself and that he did not know how to carry his duties but God made him King in place of his father King David and the people he was to lead were numerous to count or number. Given this Huge opportunity by God to ask for whatever he wanted, Solomon did not ask for Long life or wealth for himself nor for the death of his enemies but instead - He asked for discernment in administering justice. God said to him, He will do what he asked, God said 'He will give him a wise and discerning heart, so that there will never have been anyone like him, nor will there ever be'. But God, the Greatest, Who keeps on do...
Young Adults Service
Every Sunday
Young People Vs Deeper Conversation
Tonight's Topic- Depression: A feeling of low spirit/sadness due to loss of hope. Loss of sense of self and sense of everything else...it steals the moments of happiness.
Depression is real and is affecting those around us or people in our circle but it is not acknowledged in most black communities...And this is the ugly truth.
It is therefore important to reach out to at least one person a day, people are going through storms that we might not be aware of
In conclusion, with everything that was said tonight, the truth of the matter is that "there's no better counselor than God and the Holy spirit"
#BeYourBrother/Sister's Keeper
How to reach out: Ask a person how they are and genuinely waiting and listen attentively to their response...You might be surprised how that one and simple question could do for the other person.
Thank you very much for your reply. I did not attended the service this has helped me a lot.