Visibility 2018 Meaning

Our Salem Assembly theme for 2018 is Visibility which according to the dictionary is  defined as a state of being able to see or to be seen.

The man of God has declared that those who have been long hidden will be sought after in this year and those who have been working hard without being recognized their work will be made visible. He further declared that we shall see things: God will open our spiritual  eyes - nothing will be hidden in our eyes. We will be able to differentiate between good ideas and God ideas.

Those who believe will start seeing visibility in their families,marriages, ministries,businesses and everything around them. Believe that all your dreams will come alive and visible effective this year.

The wisdom beginning is fearing the Lord, Join our 40 days prayer rain and all your resolutions will be made visible in 2018.


  1. Yes the man of God said it, Lets all be careful of the so called good ideas and go for God ideas. Amen


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